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Paint with watercolor confidently
fun & modern
Enjoy the Live Workshop!
I'm honored to have you in this special live painting session for Craft Fridays with Spoonflower. Below you'll find helpful links, reference images and more for further learning! Making what both delights us and intimidates us as creatives is something I'm deeply passionate about. It's my hope that faces become less scary and wonderfully bold with watercolor.
The faces shown above are a fabric design, available for purchase on Spoonflower.
I love to use the Radiant Saturated Concentrated Watercolors by Dr. Ph. Martins. Purchase your own and receive 20% off your entire shopping cart at
Take a playful and 100% approachable take on faces with Drawing and Painting Expressive Little Faces by Amarilys Henderson. Available at major booksellers and Amazon.
Prefer reading the step by step process with beautiful pictures? The detailed blog post showing the face above and written by Amarilys is now available on Spoonflower.
Want some face inspiration? Click to download this PDF of various faces in both color and black and white. These images can help you be imaginative with both diversity and color choices.
Ready to step it up a notch?
Learn to paint like this!
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